Friday, November 26, 2010 at 8:29PM
Marc Scarlata in Business, Dimensional Fund Advisors, Inspirational, New York Times, Wall Street, Wisdom, Wishes, active investment management, asset allocation, death & dying, dying wish, investing, mutual funds, personal finance
Here is an inspirational story of ex-Wall Street banker, Gordon Murray, who when faced with a terminal brain cancer, decides to spend his final days writing a book to help people on "Main Street" invest their money.
Mr. Murray admits in the article: “To have a purpose and a mission for me has been really special,” he said. “It probably has added days to my life.”
The book asks readers to make just five decisions.
will you go it alone? The two authors suggest hiring an adviser who earns fees only from you and not from mutual funds or insurance companies.
Divide your money among stocks and bonds, big and small, and value and growth.
Subdivide between foreign and domestic.
Decide whether you will be investing in active or passively managed mutual funds.
Rebalance, by selling your winners and buying more of the losers!
The book asks readers to make just five decisions.
First, will you go it alone? The two authors suggest hiring an adviser who earns fees only from you and not from mutual funds orinsurancecompanies, which is how Mr. Goldie now runs his business.
Article originally appeared on Wishes4Life-The Place to Explore Dream Discover (
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