How A Wish Opens A Door
Thursday, May 5, 2011 at 10:21AM
Doug Fleischli in Dreams, Family, Florida, Haiti, Hope Apple iPad2, Inspirational, John Hopkins, Love, Personal, Sthanley The Kid, Wish-Working, Wishes, Youtube, father, heart, hope, mind
The winner of the One Day To Live Contest, "Sthanley The Kid" of Florida gained more than an Apple iPad2. He discovered things in his heart, which he needed to express. Aspirations of hope and freedom from pain for a loved one moved the freshman biology major to understand the simple beauty of wishing. His career goal is to attend John Hopkins and one day help people in Haiti as a doctor. Sthanley's contest entry remains the top rated video in his series with close to 7,000 views. His words, inspired by his mother, flow smoothly, yet powerfully to convey points that touch viewers' hearts and stir their minds. He captures life with his wit and is naturally eloquent. "The contest gave me a way to vent my feelings and that was a great thing for me. I like the purpose behind Wishes4Life, and I hope it gets integrated into many people's daily lives when it launches," Sthanley said.
His YouTube videos have been a hit for people all over the world. He is profound and humorous at the same time with refreshing optimism. He does not hold back his feelings and is not hesitant to express what needs to be said about the world and his life. Sthanley's family immigrated to the US from Haiti. They have worked hard to established a new life and to succeed in both education and making a living. His father has always told him to make the most you have. Without a doubt, Sthanley is moving in the right direction after opening a new door to his heart and is helping the world shine a little more brighter."
See Sthanley's winning contest entry on YouTube.
Update on Friday, May 27, 2011 at 11:49AM by Registered CommenterAdmin

Sthanley's new call to action for the current contest that will be feautred on the contest homepage and YouTube station.

Article originally appeared on Wishes4Life-The Place to Explore Dream Discover (
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