Cooking 4 Life: Last Minute Thanksgiving Recipes – Green Bean Casserole
Thursday, November 24, 2011 at 8:26AM
Mark Sweet in Thanksgiving, Wishes4Life, cooking 4 life, delicious green bean casserole. french onion green bean, easy thanksgiving, green bean casserole, last minute recipe

Green bean casserole, can it actually be delicious? The answer is yes, if you know what you’re doing. You’ll need the basics, green beans, water, salt, onions, bread crumbs, cream of soup, and some butter. Why not make the best green bean casserole you’ve ever had in less than an hour?

Delicious Green Bean Casserole

The easiest way to make this casserole is to purchase a few ready made goodies, like French fried onions and cream of mushroom soup. Once you’ve got those items ready, bring about a gallon of water to a boil and blanch (quickly cook) the green beans for 5 minutes. Immediately plunge those green beans into ice water to stop them from cooking any further. Melt butter into a skillet and add in the cream of mushroom soup, sprinkly a little flour and combine. Let this sit for roughly 1 minute, continue to stir until the mixture thickens (about 7 minutes). Then stir in the green beans and top with onions, place in a 475 degree F oven for about 15 minutes (or until bubbly). Remove and garnish with a little more onion if needed. Serve immediately.

Happy Thanksgiving!!


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