Entries in health (13)


What’s a plate got to do with it? 

If your Stephen Colbert (the host of the satirical “Colbert Report”), nothing. He mused that American’s don’t eat off plates anymore, rather, we eat out of boxes and bags. While his commentary is exaggerated for effect, the reality is that many people are in the habit of consuming convenience foods, that all too often don’t require a plate.

The USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) has long been ‘behind’ the Food Pyramid guide as the token nutrition nanny. After twenty years of service the dietary guide has been retired and replaced with a no-nonsense plate sectional, which takes much of the guess work out of serving size, measurements and applying a ruler to your green beans (ok, ok, or steak). It’s about time the symbol of healthful guidelines actually has something to do with eating (a plate, go figure) and showcases the importance of veggies and fruits. The “half plate” phenomena whereby half your plate is reserved for the little beauties, was actually touted by a produce producer who formally held a position with the National Cancer Institute. Prevention anyone?

After some consideration, I think this plate will look great affixed to the front of my refrigerator as a little helpful nudge in the right direction. Plus, it’ll match my kitchen’s paint. Farewell pyramid, I must thank you for justifying all the bread in my life.


For more information, please visit: USDA ChooseMyPlate.gov

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