Distraction Free Zone...
Do you ever desire a place without distraction? A place where you can focus on what matters? A place that might lead us deeper into the things that really matter, for ourselves and for the people we care about. Wishes4Life is a place that offers a distraction free zone for what matters most, our wishes and dreams.
Do you know the wishes & dreams of the people that matter the most to you? Are you the wind in their sails? Do the people that matter most to you, know your wishes and dreams? Do you?
The new private portal at Wishes4Life provides a noise-free zone that is focused on the things that matter most, a process to help users discover, express and set their wishes and dreams free, and dedicated streams to help users focus, collaborate and take positive action to realize these dreams.
Private portal with a twist
Your wish can take on one of three forms: public, private, and private with a twist. The twist, is an exclusive sharing feature that allots your wish to people/groups of your choosing. The Private Sharing Portal provides a quiet (distraction free) place to connect with those who matter most about the topics we value most - our wishes and dreams. Few examples:
- A wish/dream shared with only those who you want to share with
- A wish you are working towards that others can help you realize
- A wish for others or involving others, which private sharing will help realize
- Share your bucket list exclusively with people of your choosing to collaborate with
- Your wishes (legacy) preserved for family and friends
Electronic sacred space
Public wish sharing can be useful, even inspirational to others as they look at what submitters have identified as objects of their heartfelt desire. But private sharing, can play another role entirely, almost like a kind of electronic sacred space, or perhaps, recalling an earlier time, a secret hiding place, where friends or lovers could leave each other messages that no one else can see.
This might include fledgling wishes, too fragile to be shared with the world yet, or a wish for someone else that you only want to share with them. It could be a wish that you are looking for help on, from a select few, or a wish that involves someone else who you aren’t ready to share it with. It could be a wish/dream you have realized, that will inspire others. It could be your bucket list that you only want to share with those closest to you, or your wishes that you would like carried out when you are no longer able, or when you are no longer here.
Who and what matters most
Having places like Wishes4Life, that helps us keep focused on what is most important to us can not only inspire us, and provide a way to express what is deep within us, but also to help turn us away from the screen when its time to get busy on realizing those dreams. And now with the addition of the new private sharing portal, it provides us a quiet place where we can connect with those who matter most to us about the things we value the most. Express Your Wishes >
Read more:
- Why 78% of New Year's Resolutions...
- Top 10 Motivational Quotes: Inspire-Focus
- How to Catch the Trade Winds in Your Sails
- How to Earn W4L Points & Reputation Badges
- Highlights of the One Day to Live Video Responses
- 17 Wishes from Mr. 'Beat the Odds'
- I’ve got good news and bad news.
- Do you have a noise Addiction?
- What Is On Your Bucket List?
- When was your last hug?
- Why Not?

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