Discussions > ONE DAY TO LIVE project
This looks like a terrific site and a fantastic idea to help motivate people to think of someone else other than themselves.
Great work!

If I had one day to wish good for anyone else, I would wish that they accomplish what they set out to do that day and maybe, just maybe, even the smallest dream of theirs came true.

I love the idea behind this!!....A great way to enter this contest like this would be to video a Grand Parent or older relative about their life experiences and wishes! I would love to have captured my grandmother's thoughts on a video and she would have loved for me to win the prize. I presume this is allowed??? Can anyone please confirm??

Rachel- thanks for your post.
Yes it's allowed and is within the rules of the contest.
Best Wishes,
One Day To Live project

I wish everybody (including spirits) has good life, no suffering, being in love, no hate or jealousies.
Anna Jingwen

When the light goes on that your efforts towards winning and receiving never bring you complete satisfaction - try giving and sharing. You will find the kind of peace and fulfillment that makes life worthwhile.

The asks what you would wish on someone else but not im asking you. since you hopefully are not dying tomorow what would will you do to make that wish come true for the person you chose.
Saying is one thing doing something about it another, keep the wish in perspecctive and try to make it happen if it means that much to you.

Sthanley- great question! One of our future questions planned for "One Day to Live" project is to your point of taking action.
"If you had one day to live, what wish would you grant for someone else?"

Thank you! I feel like I should do what I can to help because it will make the wish one step further to becoming true. Work on your wishes today because tomorrow may be too late.

Questions from last week:
Q- how many qualified entries do we have?
A- 14 qualified entries as of October 02, 2010 8:30 PST
Q- how many additional qualified entries are needed to make the contest official?
A- 10 qualified entries as of October 02, 2010 8:30 PST
Q- what is a qualified entry?
A- see #7 One Day to Live Contest Official Rules

My friend made a video and I want to vote for him but I don't know
how. How do I vote?

If you no longer can view your videos most likely entry did not meet the Contest Official Rules One Day to Live Contest Official Rules
8. WHAT CONSTITUTES AN ELIGIBLE ENTRY? To be eligible for judging an entry must meet the following content / technical requirements:
• The video must start by answering the contest name and question
Video entries need to stand on their own. Make the modifications and re-enter, we look forward to see your videos. Our contest first entry is a good example: LINK

Can contestants utilize animation or slide shows to communicate their ideas? Or does it need to be a video of my self? I am not sure if I want to feature my face on the video submission.

Ian Thanks for your question,
Yes you can use animation, we can't wait to see your animation contest entry. One tool you might want to consider www.xtranormal.com

I've really enjoyed seeing all the great youtube responses to The One Day to Live contest by Wishes4life has been an inspirational experience. The focus of the contest theme, what wish would you wish for someone else if you only had one day to live, totally takes the focus of life's challenges away from ourselves and puts that focus on others. “Love your neighbors as yourself”, is a concept of truly Biblical proportion, and promotes that concept of being in service to others. This contest allows us to focus on others, to help, support and encourage others in life. I'm looking forward to seeing many more. Thank you wishe4life!!

Hi guys, I was just wondering about something... I'd noticed in the briefing video that the contest start on August 20th 2010, but is still running now (closes 23rd November 2010) - is this because you haven't yet reached 24 entries in to the competition? So does this mean, as you only have 18 entries so far, that the competition will continue to run?
I'm asking because I'm facing the dilemma that I have a concept for my video, but my new camera will hopefully be arriving next week (after my previous, well used camera finally gave up the ghost).

Hi Sammie, thanks for the post and sorry about your old camera!
Yes as of today 7:42 PST we need 6 qualified videos to make the contest official. Recommend you shoot the concept with phone camera, webcam or friends camera ASAP! Shoot updated version with your new camera when it arrives and post.
We can't wait to see your concept and videos!
Best Wishes,

Hi guys! Me again.
I was just wondering. Does it have to be a simple video of you saying what you'd wish for another person, or could it be a documentary style film with mini-interviews asking various people the question?
I love filmmaking and I felt it'd be nice to make a personal style documentary as opposed to just sitting one-on-one with the camera..
Thanks! This whole competition has really made me think about some really good moral film ideas. :)

Hi Sammie- short film will be great as long as it meet the contest rules.
Interesting short film was submitted on Christmas eve that was featured in our Dec-31 2010 newsletter: http://onedaytolive.org/contest/Search.aspx?st=TheAllumination
Looking forward to see you short film.

When the contest is official (24 entries) do the views and ratings start over to determine the top ten? Or do the views count that were collected from the duration the video has been up?

Jordyn- thanks for your post.
Today the contest started with fresh 24 days. We look forward to see your video and yes all views and votes will be counted till we have 24 qualified videos.
Best Wishes

Feel free to discuss your contest entries, ideas for entries or the concept of "OneDayToLive" Comments & Suggestions.