
Optimism and the Entrepreneur

In business as in life, we encounter situations that make us feel negatively or positively. In fewer places is this more apparent than the entrepreneurial space, where roller coaster emotions associated with the freedom of owning ones own enterprise makes themselves apparent from day one. Entrepreneurs are masters of their own destiny, and as such have the ability to change course on a whim. The following article and paper have some illuminating thoughts on the nature of optimism and pessimism as an entrepreneur.


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Reader Comments (1)

Excellent article with interesting insights. The "optionist," tag hit home and further elaborated on what makes optimists, optimists. The ability to readily see many choices / paths as a positive and an advantage in decision making and judgment. Vs. a deterant. Now, to keep the "optionist" idea in mind when disaster strikes!

August 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterErica A.
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