How I remember Steve Jobs
How I remember Steve Jobs's legacy is in this one single insightful and inspiring commencement speed at Stanford University in 2005. In it he talks about his life story, believing the dots will connect, finding your passion, staying in love, living in the moment and death.
Destination We All Share
Death is a destination we all share, the single best invention of life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new.
- Have the courage to follow your heart and Intuition
- Stay Hungry
- Stay foolish
Steven Paul Jobs February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011
Update on Wednesday, October 5, 2011 at 7:25PM by

Virtual Personal Assistant That Actually Works
Only appropriate for "The Power To Be Your Best" vision back in the 1980s, a concept video showing off the applications behind Apple's "Futureshock" Knowledge Navigator voice recognition concept device from 1987 was realized yesterday October, 4 2011 with integration of Siri starting with iPhone 4S. Siri understands what you say, knows what you mean, and even talks back.
Concept Knowlage Navigator 1987
Demo of the Siri Assistant iPhone application Mar 14, 2010
Death | tagged
Stay Hungry,
Steve Jobs,
Steven Paul Jobs,
life & death,
stay foolish
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Reader Comments (4)
"Before Steve Jobs, digital music was math class. After, it was recess."