
Life... A Gift Given and Received With Love and Joy

Experience this YouTube video response where music and acting illustrate how one girl gives her life to a boy so he might live as she lived in a beautiful and safe world. The short drama touches on how fragile, yet enduring life is and that it should be seen as a celebration to be exchanged, not thrown away. 

What would you want to do on your last day? Focus on yourself, a fleeting vessel with only hours to live? Or pour the remaining essence of life into a new vessel with a promising future. That's a statement of selfless generosity so rare in our world.

Based on U.S Department of Health and & Human Services the need for organ donation is real and the gap continues to widen to donate the gift of life. 

  • 110k people are waiting just in US
  • 18 people will die each day waiting for an organ
  • 1 organ donor can save up to 8 lives

    To cover all bases, it's also helpful to:

  • Designate your decision on your driver's license
  • Tell your family about your donation decision
  • Tell your physician, faith leader, and friends
  • Include donation in your advance directives, will, and living will
To learn more about the facts in US is the Department of health and human services site is a good place to start.



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Reader Comments (1)

This young woman’s theatric last wish ties very well into the need or organ donors in the United States. The statistics on organ donation (or lack thereof more prominently) are staggering. Excellent way to bring light to this issue. Consider me one license designated.

June 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterErica Afshar
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