
Do you have the clarity to read signals?

A lot of the time, rather than helping people with horse problems, I'm helping horses with people problems," Buck says in the opening scenes of BUCK the documentary bout the real  whisperer Buck Brannaman. The Horse Whisperer was a film directed by and starring Robert Redford, based on the novel by Nicholas Evans. 

What Buck, teaches us is something much bigger than horses, it involves awareness, understanding, and giving and receiving respect. It means being in control of your emotions, being calm and attentive, and having the clarity to read signals—from a horse, from a dog, from a person, the world and responding appropriately.

Trailer for Sundance Audience Award Winner 'Buck'

Trust, Respect and Understanding

Buck says that leading a horse is 90 percent mental and 10 percent physical. Trust, respect, and understanding are more powerful than intimidation. It’s the Zen of communication, the shortest distance between two living beings. Buck's mentor, Tom Dorrance, referred to as the "horse's lawyer" would say Buck,:

don’t treat him like he is. Treat him like you’d like him to be.

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