
"Our Sacred Honor"

 As far as Holidays go, I would have to say that 4th of July is by far my favorite.  For me its a combination of many things that leads to my easy conclusion: summertime,gathering with family & friends, sense of community, parades and the overwhelming feeling of pride in being an american and of course the fireworks display.  I have many fond memories of past 4th of July events from childhood through recent times.

However, I have also celebrated the 4th of July without truly recognizing the significance of this day.I have not realized, that from a summers day in Philiadelphia in 1776 to this very day, the extraordinary efforts and sacrifices that have made this country truly unique and free. So in an effort to change this, I have, for the past few years, read the Declaration of Independence 

So as you celebrate this Holiday weekend, I encourage you to also take a moment to read the Declaration and review the birth of our nation, democracy and freedom. For in the end, it is this incredible document that created "Our Sacred Honor" for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Read more...

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