Check Out the Great New "One Day to Live" Videos
I enjoy looking through the wishes online at
There is currently a video contest underway, which asks for entries that answer the question, “if you had one day to live, what wish would you make for another person?” There are some beautiful and touching sentiments expressed in some of the contest videos.
For example, one person’s wish was for his girlfriend. “My wish would be that she could see herself the way I see her…and if she could see herself the way I do, she would understand that there is nothing that she couldn’t accomplish.”
This reminds me of the David Wilcox song, Burgundy Heart-Shaped Medallion, always a favorite of mine. The lyrics go like this:
“If I had a spell of magic
I would make this enchantment for you
A burgundy heart-shaped medallion
With a window that you could look through
So that when all the mirrors are angry
With your faults and all you must do
You could peek through that heart-shaped medallion
And see you from my point of view.”
One video was submitted by a girl who asked for a better education for her sister.
Another boy, wishes for a cure for his brother who has a rare disorder called homocystinuria which means he cannot eat any protein. Both boys appear in the video.
Another girl wishes for a day of music for everyone, because music brings people together. Another wants to meet the Jo Brothers or Justin Bieber.
Another boy at first wishes that his best friend will no longer suffer from OCD, but then he changes it to a series of wishes so that every person in his country would get food and clean water, have a decent place to live, a good education, and an end to child labor.
Another young man says that if he had the power, he would change everything: stop all the wars, make sure every child in the world has food, water and a house. Another boy wishes for his parents to win the lottery. Another girl, literally gives her heart away. Then, there is a very clever animated story, whose ending I will not spoil. All of these videos are very well done, with music and high quality editing.
I recommend you take a look at these videos and perhaps consider submitting one yourself. You could win a brand new iPad2.
More information can be found here.