Entries in cooking 4 life (6)


Cooking 4 Life: Time to Make Your Own Condiments

Flavors, textures, smells and tastes are what makes food…well, delicious.  But for many different types of food, it’s the subtle flavors that bring a dish to a different level.  We’ve talked about delicious BBQ recipes, but what about the ketchup, mustard or mayo you add to the burger?  We’ve talked about making broccoli soup, but what about the pepper and olive oil? 

Much like life, it’s those subtle things that make a meal sumptuous.  For most of us, this means grabbing a bottle of ketchup (I highly recommend the organic ketchup from Trader Joes, you can never go back to regular ketchup afterwards).  But, what if you want to do something a little different?  How about a nice pesto mayo for your sandwich?

How To Make Your Own Pesto Mayo

To make your own pesto mayo, you only need a few ingredients.  Raw egg yolk, oil, mustard, and a little bit of pesto.  To make the mayonnaise base, put 3 egg yolks into a food processor slowly with a little Dijon mustard.  Next add in your pesto mix (also utilizing your food processor, mix a little lemon, olive oil, pine nuts and fresh basil).  Slowly add in about 1 ¼ cups of olive oil to the food processor.  Next, add in some salt and pepper and turn off the food processor.  Mix in a little lemon (so it will last).

That’s it – simple as can be, but a delicious addition to any meal.  Even Gordon Ramsay has a simple mayonnaise recipe check it out:

Share your recipes and check out our other cooking4life recipes. 10 benefits to having at least one family dinner.