What is your dream job?
Meet Greg Drevenstedt. Greg has had a life long passion for motorcycles so when life wasn't so great for him and he was looking for a career change, he chose to follow his life's passions. Fast forward to the present day. Greg is the Road Test Editor for Rider Magazine (see video). Greg rides motorcylces and tests motocycle eqiupment and accessories for a living and then blogs about it for the loyal followers of Rider Magazine.
At a time when U.S. unemployment is still high, more people than ever are considering career changes. Reading about Greg, got me thinking, how many people are staring at a job change and thinking about pursuing their passions? You only have one short life to live. Isn't it worth it to at least explore the possibility?
Monster.com, may not be the best place to look for your Dream Job, but another website called lookingforadventure.com has a list of websites to help facilitate your search. In addition, joyfullyjobless.com is another website that you can use for inspiration.
All of us have dreams and hopes for our lives. Our career paths don't always follow our passions. But with a majority of our lives consumed with 'makin a living" doesnt it make sense to pursue that which makes us happy? The opportunity is there. Thanks Greg!
- If you want to be happy for a day, go on a picnic.
- If you want to be happy for a week, go on a holiday.
- If you want to be happy for a month, get married.
- If you want to be happy for a year, inherit property.
- If you want to be happy for a lifetime, choose the job that you like. -Unknown