Entries in Hope Dreams Wishes Winners Finalist onedaytolive wishes ipad2 (1)


Unselfish Wish Wins Wishes4Life Youtube Video Contest

Wishes4Life One Day to Live project awards were sent out this week for the apple iPad2 and amazon gift certificate. The entrants were asked to respond to this twist on the classic question: “If I had just one day to live, what wish would I make for another person.” We saw entries that moved and inspired us.

The winning video which was announced on Friday, March 25th, was submitted by Sthanley Joseph of Greenacres, Florida. The video was simple, but delivred a poignant message asking that an unnamed loved one, who had recently been told they only have a short time left to live, be given, “not weeks, not months, but years,” to live, “maybe until 90.” He also goes on to praise this individual saying that rather than shutting down or feeling sorry for themselves, they are making plans to see how they might go out and help others. He also praises the question, calling it “beautiful.” Sthanley goes on to say, “the person you make that wish for is the person you care about the most.”

Runner-up Phillip Jones of Oklahoma expressed a heartfelt wish for his dad to have a prosthetic leg so he could play and be active again. Phillip's wish by far had the most views and comments on his Youtube station, much more to come in a future blogs!

Maya Ram of Atlanta, GA expressed a powerful social wish that every child could flourish and grow, world would be literate, everyone had a passion that made their life happy, one can make a difference, a sense of peace the family and the world, clean water or all and that most importantly, the simple things in life matter the most!

Honorable Mention went to Michael Delgado, Long Beach, CA, who was also recognized as being the first contestant.

Finalists were Kiyaga Raymond, Southhampton, UK; James Armenta, El Cajon, CA; Kevin Tanner, Newhall, CA; and Morrissa Schwartz of Colonia, NJ. Finilasts and some of their amazing stories will be featured in the upcoming blogs. 

Thanks to ALL the participants for sharing your wishes on our first One Day To Live project contest. We invited you to post a response with a YouTube video on onedaytolive or on the discussion page to our second question now!

Wishes4Life.com is scheduled to be launched later this spring. Founded on the idea that millions of people go through their entire lives with wishes that are not only unfulfilled, but in many cases unexpressed. Wishes4Life empowers members to express and realize their dreams in a safe and positive environment. Users allow themselves the freedom to dream with others and take positive action.

Wishes4life is the place to express and realize dreams

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