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9 Rules For Living A Longer Happier Life 

At 94 Olga Kotelko is considered one of the world's greatest athletes with 700 gold medals and 26 world records. 

Nine Rules for Living a Longer Happier Life

What Makes Olga Run?

1. Keep Moving

Move continually, even when you’re not exercising. “When we move, our bodies and brains both work better. We think faster, process information more accurately, and remember more.”

2. Create Routines (But Sometimes Break Them)

“Committing the more mundane parts of our life to habit and routine frees up RAM for the things that matter to us.”

3. Be Opportunistic

“Spend your precious energy wisely.” Conserve energy when you can, but when you need to go for it, go for it.

4. Be a Mensch

“Doing good doesn’t just feel good, it works. It’s healthy for the tribe and healthy for us.”

5. Believe in Something

“Belief is a trait of temperament.” People who embrace life’s puzzles as opportunities for problem-solving because of larger beliefs tend to thrive.

6. Lighten Up

“Managing stress is staggeringly important in terms of flipping genetic switches.” “People get stressed out over the smallest things. Honestly, I don’t have the time.” 

7. Cultivate a Sense of Progress

According to studies of life satisfaction and human motivation, we all need to feel like we’re improving. Identify your expectations, adjust them to allow for “small wins,” then improve upon them.

8. Don’t Do It If You Don’t Love It

“If it’s not fun, don’t do it. That’s easy — because you won’t if it isn’t. People can’t be guilted into lasting healthy behaviour change. Should doesn’t work.”

9. Begin Now

“Not only is mid-life not too late to embark on this, providing we rev back up slowly, in some ways, it’s the best time for it. We’re rested, we’re restless, we’re ready.”