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Reading4Life- Shop Class as Soulcraft - by Matthew B. Crawford

Shop class as soulcraft is a insightful book by philosopher-mechanic Matthew Crawford. He brings to focus some of the gaps in the education and work-value system that contribute to the Socio-Economic challenges we face today.
  • How we value, measure and reward work
  • Shop classes replaced by computer labs
  • Emotional disconnection from work
TEDxTaks May 9, 2011- Matt Crawford-New York Times Best Selling Author-explores the ethical significance of making/fixing things with our very own hands.
Crawford defends trade work as more cognitively stimulating than society recognizes. He considers manual labor to be not only more satisfying to human nature than white-collar work, but often more creative and mentally taxing. Matthew B. Crawford majored in physics then turned to political philosophy 
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