
To Catch a Dollar: Muhammad Yunus Banks on America

To Catch a Dollar’ is an inspiring documentary film by Gayle Ferraro. 2010 Sundance Film Festival selection is the story of bringing microfinance program to the United States. Compelling story of the first women borrowers;  from the challenges they face to the successes they achieve, as they learn to sustainably rise from poverty by starting and growing their own businesses with the education, support, and non-collateral microloans they receive.

$1.5 million to 550 women - 20 million to 5000

In one year, the Jackson Heights branch of Grameen America grew to loan over $1.5 million to 550 women. As of June 2011, Grameen America has grown to loan over $20,000,000 million to more then 5,000 recipients, with a 99% pay-back success rate.  Over the past two years, the borrowers have established personal bank accounts and have successfully saved over one million dollars. Before participating in this program, they had no savings at all.

Thanks to filmmaker Gayle Ferraro for raising awareness about financial literacy and affordable micro-loans to financially empower low-income entrepreneurs.

The film follows Nobel Peace Prize winner Professor Yunus economist and founder of Grameen Bank.

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Reader Comments (1)

Fabulous story, thanks for bringing it to light! One to add to NetFlix and to keep track of. “Small is beautiful:”

October 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterErica
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