Wish: Launch Wishes4Life // Realized: on Summer Solstice!
What do Summer Solstice (i.e. the first day of summer) and the groundbreaking launch of Wishes4Life have in common? Today, June 21, 2011! As a wise man commented upon realizing the coincidence, [what a] “Good omen………interesting how the stars align when we let them.” How will you take advantage of the longest day of the year? Summer Solstice celebrations have been taking place across the country (and worldwide) for decades. Contemporary incarnations include creative festivals and eye catching theatrics. In fact, Santa Barbara will commemorate their 37th Solstice parade and festival this coming weekend. The event has mushroomed into the largest arts event in Santa Barbara County, drawing tens of thousands of spectators and participants. While in Seattle’s quirky suburb districts of Ballard and Fremont their parade is more of a sunshine ‘rain dance’ if you will, meant to entice summer and warm weather in a town that sees more than their fair share of clouds. Traditional sights include droves of body painted cyclists and peculiar floats – a people watching haven.
June Festivals
Historically, summers significance for the indigenous northern hemisphered folk shouldn’t be overlooked. Most societies, ancient and modern, have celebrated the change of season with a June festival. Why, you ask? Humankind are all powered by the abundance (or scarcity) of food. By June, the snow had disappeared, the ground had thawed, warm temperatures had returned, flowers bloomed and food was easier to find. Harvest time was on the near horizon as well, all in all, it was a joyous time for our ancestors. In ancient China, their ceremony celebrated the earth, the feminine sprit and the yin forces. While in ancient Rome, the festival of Vestalia was held for 8 days in honor of the Roman Goddess of the hearth, Vesta.
Any way you slice it, summer ushers in a care-free spirit that epitomizes this time of the year. Schools out for summer, barbeques re-appear from the shed, pool’s are chlorinated, outdoor adventures take precedence and if you’re lucky, you’ve got a family vacation (or “staycation”) to look forward to.
To mark the occasion, Wishes4Life, has sprung to life this very day; with an aim of sparking your imagination for a better you, a better family a better community. We simply provide a forum that allows you to memorialize what you discover after a little soul searching. Welcome to the place to express and realize your dreams!