Cherry Blossom Centennial Forever
Have you noticed the artistry and detail in the Centennial Cherry Blossom stamps? Artist Paul Rogers of Pasadena, CA, created the stamp art images. To achieve that balance, Rogers placed a monument and small group of people on either side of the panorama. Adding a layer of complexity to the scene, he dressed the group on the left in 1912 period attire — including two girls in Japanese kimonos — and the group on the right in contemporary clothing. With these subtle details, Rogers hoped to represent the 100 years between that first gift and modern day — without fragmenting the overall scene.
Invitation to celebrate being alive
Because these spectacular trees flower so briefly, the Japanese often see them as poignant symbols of life’s transience—making every blossom an invitation to celebrate being alive.
On March 27, 1912, First Lady Helen Herron Taft and Viscountess Chinda, wife of the Japanese ambassador, planted the first two trees of over 3000 that now turn the Tidal Basin into a cloud of pink each spring for all to enjoy. Spring Cherry Blosson Centennial Tsunami Aftermath
The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom
This nominated short documentary captures the essence of the cherry blossom and what it means to the people of Japan.