9-11...Life is a Vapor
Crash. Fire. Buildings fall down.
That's how my son, a toddler on the morning of September 11, 2001, described the tragedies of that day. In seconds, the normal Tuesday morning was set ablaze murdering loved ones and leaving scorched memories in the lives of millions. Regardless of the terrorists' demonic intentions, the impact of the attacks reminded humanity that life is but a vapor--beautiful one second and gone the next.
A Precious Gift
Life is a precious gift, too short to waste on petty arguments and time wasting bickering, which sadly dominate many days the office. The common saying "time is money" would have a more profound meaning if was "time is life."
In a terrible way, 9-11-01 was a wake-up call to embrace the life we have, make the most of it and help others make the most of it. We need to get back to the business of building and improving lives. Not debating away opportunities and wasting energy to destroy those who oppose a political stance or the way one combs his hair.
Stand up. Be humble. Work. Help. Rebuild.